Home page Press Area News Imperial Energy employees with large families received presents for the Mother’s Day


Imperial Energy employees with large families received presents for the Mother’s Day

They started celebrating Mother’s Day in Russia relatively not long ago. Established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, B. N. Eltsyn, № 120 “On the Mother’s Day” dated January, the 30th, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to the mother’s labour and the mother’s unconditional love to her children.

On Friday, November, the 23rd, on the eve of the Mother’s day, in the company’s office, I.V. Goncharov, the General Director of LLC Nord Imperial, and K.I. Yantsen, the Head of HR division, on behalf of the whole staff, offered congratulations and presented valuable gifts to two employees of the company: T.A. Sedunova, chief HR specialist, and S.N. Bondarenko, lead engineer for environmental protection. Tatyana Aleksandrovna raised 4 children – 3 daughters and a son, the elder ones out of them have already given grandkids to their beloved mother. Svetlana Nikolaevna is a happy mother of 3 children.

Kind congratulations to all mothers on this wonderful holiday!

We wish good health, happiness and well-being to you and your children!

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