Home page Operations Logistics and Transport

Logistics and Transport

Logistics and transport

Imperial Energy Group ensures on-time and cost efficient logistics, delivery of cargo and personnel as well as transport support for operations.

Main lines of work

  • Transport and logistics support for the oil production process;
  • Arrangement of rotation crew transportation, delivery of goods (equipment, materials, inventory, oil transportation) for the Group;
  • Transport support for the office;
  • Provision of utility vehicles for main operations of the Group (production, drilling and well workover);
  • Construction of winter roads and ice crossings – both independently and by engaging contractors;
  • Servicing, arranging repair and maintenance, operation of owned vehicles.

 Major Equipment and Vehicles

To date, Imperial Energy has 86 units of vehicles, including the following:

    • Pickup trucks, trucks, dump trucks;
    • Truck trailers and semi-trailers;
    • Tank trucks (including fire tankers), fuel trucks;
    • Snow and swamp-going vehicles;
    • Tractors, excavators, bulldozers, front loaders/graders;
    • Mobile cranes;
    • Special purpose machinery.

Manpower in the fields and the Tomsk office is 110 people.

Between 2008 and 2024, over 274,000 tons of cargo and 265,000 people were transported.

Total cost of transportation services in 2013-2024 in all categories, in million RUB excl. VAT:

Transportation services, total, including:


Land transport


Own transport


Employees of the Transportation Section in the field regularly take part in the “Best in profession” contest, displaying their high professional skills, expertise, theoretical and practical knowledge.

Annually, on Road Transport Worker's Day, best employees are awarded with merit certificates, letters of gratitude and bonuses from Imperial Energy Group.

The Department of Transportation and Logistics is a professional team of highly qualified and dependable specialists supporting the common cause of Imperial Energy Group, with the common end-goal in mind. All of this helps develop production capacity, update the fleet of vehicles, and optimize work in the Group, making it possible to solve tasks quickly, efficiently and on time.