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India in Tomsk

March 19th-21st marked the Days of Indian Science and Culture in Tomsk. These events were organized by the Indian embassy in the Russian Federation, Center of Eastern Countries, Russian-Indian Science & Technology Center, as well as the Administration of the Tomsk region and Tomsk State University. Imperial Energy was kindly invited by the Indian embassy in Russia to participate in the event and took active part in it. On March 19th, a group of six employees led by D. Dumbre and A. Karatayev visited the solemn opening ceremony of the Scientific and Practical Seminar “India – Experience of Innovational Development”. Among other experts of the events, lectures and reports were provided by Dr. Rama Bansal, Advisor for Science and Technologies of the Indian Embassy in Russia, Professor Anil Gupta, the founder of Honey Bee Network, specializing in worldwide innovations, Professor O. Malyarov, co-head of the India’s National Innovation Fund and Chief Research Scientist of the Oriental Studies Institute (Russian Academy of Science). Discussion of pressing issues of Russian-Indian cooperation in the science, education, innovational development, implementation of joint business projects resumed on March 20th, at the round table with Tomsk businessmen. On behalf of our Group, D. Dumbre made a presentation on Imperial’s activities, giving a bright example of the prospects this business partnership holds. 

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