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Imperial Energy for children!

On July 11, 2013 the official opening of a game room took place in the children's oncology department of the Regional clinical hospital. Imperial Energy Group has undertaken a responsible and honorable mission - to create this rehabilitation room for children who undergo treatment in this hospital. This proposal has been addressed to us by Charity fund n.a. Alena Petrova, who is conducting an important social mission – help children with various forms of cancer.

Our group of companies has bought special furniture and required equipment, as well as toys for different age grades of children.

Giving a speech at the opening, Chief Executive Officer of Imperial Energy Group, Mr. P.B. Pandey, expressed his deep gratitude to the doctors of the hospital, management of the charity fund, and said that social responsibility of business is not only to create jobs and pay taxes, but also in the implementation of such projects. Mr. Pandey assured the audience that in the future Imperial Energy will carry such honorable and responsible social mission in Tomsk region.

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