Home page Press Area News Tomsk students participated in the International Forum, India


Tomsk students participated in the International Forum, India

Imperial Energy, through its parent company ONGC Videsh Ltd., came forward with an initiative to invite and sponsor Tomsk students to participate in the International Youth Forum that took place in New Delhi on November 1-3, 2010, in the course of the International Petroleum Conference PETROTECH-2010.

12 talented students and postgraduates, with major in “Oil and Gas Industry”, participated in the International Youth Forum that united active youth from different parts of the world. Moreover, they were also able to take part in the Conference itself that gathered key leaders of oil and gas industry and outstanding scientists from a variety of countries, and was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India.

The delegates were delighted about their trip, reception and organization. When thanking the management of Imperial Energy for giving them this opportunity to be a part of an important international event in oil and gas industry, they indicated their desire to actively participate in the Youth Forum again.

ONGC Videsh Ltd. is determined to keep on supporting gifted youth of Tomsk city and promote their participation in international events further on.  

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