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Visit of Director (Finance), ONGC Videsh (OVL), Delhi

From March 11-13, 2024, Mr. Anupam Agarwal, Director of Finance on the Board of ONGC Videsh (OVL) came to Tomsk for an official visit. The distinguished guest is one of the key decision-makers on further financial support of Imperial Energy by the parent company.

The first point on the visit agenda was a morning meeting held on March 11 in the Tomsk office, where Imperial Energy management gave a detailed presentation to Mr. Agarwal elaborating about the current status of the company group, last year’s performance indicators and ongoing production activities, along with the main plans for 2024 and current challenges. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Agarwal held a separate meeting with our financial specialists, where professional subtleties and nuances were discussed in detail.

On March 12, our guest from Delhi and top officials of IE – Saket Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, A.V. Baklanov, General Director, as well as heads of key services and departments – made a trip to Snezhnoye and Maiskoye fields, to experience production facilities first hand and talked with field personnel.

For Mr. Agarwal, this was the first visit to Russia and Tomsk. Now, having seen with his own eyes the difficult climatic and geographical conditions, in which IE employees produce oil and gas, he admired their professionalism, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, and dedication to work. He also highly appreciated the modern level of the field infrastructure and living conditions of people working on rotation basis.

On March 13, the Director (Finance) of ONGC Videsh left for Moscow to attend a number of meetings with the top officials of the RF Ministry of Energy and other officials.

“For any top manager, it is crucial to see those who are directly affected by your decisions first-hand and directly observe operations to evaluate employees’ professionalism and enthusiasm for work. This gives one an opportunity to see the real people behind the dry numbers in official reports, which becomes a significant factor in making subsequent economic and administrative decisions. Therefore, Mr. Agarwal's visit is very important for our company. I think we were able to convincingly show the great interest of our team in sustaining the further development of IE, and this should bear fruit,” says Saket Gupta, the CEO of Imperial Energy.

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