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A fabulous trip of Tomsk students to Delhi: impressions

A fabulous trip of Siberian students to the fairy «Capital of Seven Empires» - Delhi



       Early sunny morning our plane landed in the foggy capital of one of the most mysterious countries in the world – India. Freshness of the air could be perceived, as well as warmth coming out of hearts of hospitable Indians who welcomed us everywhere with नमस्ते, namaste. Delhi appeared to us in all its glory. Lively streets were full of people moving steadily about never-ending shops. Local women gleamed with bright sari – blue, rosy, canary-yellow! Delhi was lapped in wealth of colours alight with bright hot sun. The city was mantled with the evasive gauze which tinctured it a peculiar charm and mystique. An hour later a representative of ONGC delivered us to a wonderful hotel The Lalit located in the very centre of Delhi, in a very picturesque place.

       In the evening we were invited to the solemn welcoming ceremony of the International Petroleum Congress Petrotech 2010 that took place on a green lawn in front of luxurious Hotel Ashok. We were impressed not only by the abundance of colours and lights, but also by the superb organization of the event. Indian and foreign guests were filled with admiration for a popular singer Kailash Kher who sang the sweetest hits. The key guest of the ceremony, Shiela Dixit (Delhi Government Head), welcomed delegates from different countries. Though it was a high-level event with participation of top-level officials we felt comfortable there having an opportunity to communicate to people and get to know a marvelous unique Indian cuisine.

             November 1 a solemn opening ceremony of Global Energy Equilibrium was held in “Vigyan Bhawan” where we had a chance to meet the Prime Minister of India, president of Venezuela and other dignitaries of the petroleum industry in India and other countries. In the evening we were welcomed by the management of ONGC Videsh Ltd. in the company office in a friendly and cordial atmosphere. We were told about the Company major activities and operations, recent achievements, we got the answers to our questions and received memorable gifts.

        After a pleasant meeting we made our way to see over the beauty of the evening Delhi: India Gate, a monument that was erected to commemorate Indian soldiers killed during the first World War and Anglo-Afghan wars. An eternal flame is burning at foot of the arch. A large park spreads around the Gate. Not so far from India Gate there is Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that was made by Indira Gandhi after the Third Indo-Pakistan War. 

        Walking around a green blooming city with chirling birds, flying parrots and running monkeys, one could hardly believe that it was a megacity. Sometimes it was unusual to observe chaos and endless noise on the way and quiet hasteless life in the streets – nobody rushes somewhere, one could see people with satisfied calm and happy faces. 

       The next day was spent in the Youth Forum where various issues on hydrocarbon industry and potential perspectives were discussed with a focus on environmental aspects. During breaks we deserted from «air-conditioned soul-chilling» rooms to a sunny terrace where cookers kept on amazing us with exotic Indian cuisine, and business atmosphere was turning to a friendly one, serious faces were wreathing in smiles.     

       There was a grand show performing the best national artists at the closing ceremony. 

       After all official events we managed to visit a petroleum exhibition where leading oil and gas companies presented their state-of-the-art developments, shared their experience and gave memorable souvenirs.

       During the last day of our stay in Delhi we visited two temples: Iskcon Temple and Lotus Temple. Lotus Temple is a unique architectural erection with not a single straight line. The building itself has a unique «natural» ventilation system which is based on ancient principles. 

       On our way to temples we came across schoolchildren – it turned out that each school has its peculiar school uniform, thus, children can be easily identified. 

       Our first acquaintance with a marvelous country was over.

       We met many interesting outstanding people and hope to keep in touch and meet again.

       We thank ONGC company for arranging and conducting of this Forum and Nord Imperial company – for supporting our participation in the events. Thank you very much! It is a major step forward for us to know petroleum industry. 

Evgeniya Zelenova: I had been dreaming of going to India for a long time and I am very happy that my dream has come true. The Third WPC Youth Forum is a unique opportunity to know recent tendencies and news of petroleum industry, to talk personally to eminent leaders of the industry. Unfortunately, we had very little time to see this wonderful country because of tough schedule. But nevertheless it was an unforgettable travelling! Delhi is an ancient city, different from Moscow, New-York or any other western technocratic city. Here one will not find skyscrapers – and it is the charm of India, in its simple people who do not possess much, but they are happy and always smile, even the most poor. Probably because they have faith and sun. I could define India as a country of happy people. 

Mariya Lyubyatinskaya: Petrotech-2010 is a prestigious international petroleum conference providing for sharing experience and ideas in petroleum economics and environment, new technologies and processes, meeting new people from all over the world.

Mariya Gulyaeva: I am very happy that I had this chance to participate in the Third WPC Youth Forum. I made friends with young specialists from different countries, visited an interesting petroleum exhibition. I was impressed by exotic India. Thank you very much for invaluable experience.

Olesya Bogdanova: International Conference Petrotech – 2010 is one of the key events of the year. Participation in this conference enabled to enhance knowledge and to learn new. We also managed to visit a large exhibition of innovative petroleum equipment where companies not only presented the equipment but also clarified on operation principles. Participation in the Youth Forum gave me an opportunity to know and understand critical up-to-date issues of petroleum industry and to know people from various countries who we are keeping in touch with. I thank the management of the company for giving us this opportunity. 

Polina Vasilyeva: It was interesting and informative, we made many new friends.

Yury Reutov: I am very happy that I was given the chance to participate in the Forum. This Forum enabled me to get an invaluable experience of getting to know representatives of world-known oil and gas companies and see recent developments in exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons. Of course, I am full of pleasant impressions about the unusual and interesting India. I would like to thank all who organized this trip!

Anastasia Kozlova: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Imperial Energy for giving us a chance to go to a wonderful country. We were delighted about the good will and hospitality of local citizens. We liked Indian cuisine very much. Unfortunately, we did not manage to see many sightseeings of India because of «heavy program», but we are willing to go to this country once again.

Dmitry Fedin: when setting forth to travel to a new country one always wants to see and to know lots of new and interesting things. During our trip to India we managed to know the culture and way of life in India, but we wished a sightseeing program would have been more intensive. It’s a pity that we, being in India, failed to visit Taj Mahal – one of the Seven Wonders of the World. We made many friends both from Russia and other countries. 

Aleksandr Barkhatov: I liked this trip very much. It was a superb organization. Most of all I was impressed by amiability of Indians. India is a very beautiful country with its peculiar culture and traditions. 

Timur Ubaidulaev: It was a million to one chance that we did not miss. India amazed me by its diversity and respectfulness that is paid to its traditions.  It was my first experience of participation in a conference of international level. I liked atmosphere that was created at the Forum when you may share a cup of tea and your ideas with a director of a famous company.

Dmitry Chernobai: whenever you get a visa stamp in your passport in an embassy, you always have an anticipation of something new coming to your life. India always thrilled me inexplicably by its contrasts. I expected adrenalin ejection and lots of unordinary pictures from this trip, and my expectations were met. Moreover, I discovered lofty spirituality of eastern culture as well as high level of technical development in India. After this trip I made one important conclusion: my personal incentive to strive for new and the best!        


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