Home page Press Area News Imperial Energy Group of companies participated for the first time in the 12th specialized congress-type exhibition with international participation “Oil. Gas. Geology-2011”


Imperial Energy Group of companies participated for the first time in the 12th specialized congress-type exhibition with international participation “Oil. Gas. Geology-2011”

The opening ceremony of the 12th specialized congress-type exhibition with international participation “Oil. Gas. Geology-2011” was held on June 8th, 2011 in the Tomsk International business center “Tekhnopark”. Over 60 companies participated in this event. The exhibition, scheduled until June 10th is held within the frameworks of the 7th Siberian Forum of Subsoil users and F&E complex enterprises. The opening speech was delivered by S. Bogachyov, A. Adam and A. Komarov – the heads of field-specific Tomsk regional Administration departments, who traditionally organize the congress-type exhibition.

It is the first participation in an exhibition for Imperial Energy group of companies. Preparation to such important event was done under guidance of S. Kakran – the Chief Advisor for HR, Contracts and Legal. The exhibition stall of our company was formally opened by S. Bogachyov – Head of Regional Subsoil Use and Oil&Gas Industry Development Department, who cut the ribbon according to the tradition. The opening ceremony was marked by the presence of the company’s top management, headed by the CEO, A. Varma and the General Director – I. Goncharov.

Six information panels were designed to display information about the parent company ONGC, the managing company ONGC Videsh Ltd. and Imperial Energy itself. The participants and guests of the exhibition received a chance to get acquainted with main areas of activity and the plans of Imperial Energy group of companies through information panels and brochures. Company employees were put on duty for the exhibition, ready to answer any questions of the guests. Apart from that a colorful and informative slide-show and a video were prepared. The guests and participants of the exhibition, who visited our stall, received souvenirs and gifts with Imperial Energy corporate logo.

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