Home page Press Area News Imperial Energy increased oil production by 11% in the first 6 month of the year – to 403 thousand tons.


Imperial Energy increased oil production by 11% in the first 6 month of the year – to 403 thousand tons.

For the period of January - June 2011 Imperial Energy produced 403 thousand tons of oil in Tomsk region, which is 11%  more as compared to the same period of the last year. According to the General Director of LLC Nord Imperial, LLC Allianceneftegaz and LLC Sibinterneft, Igor Goncharov in the year 2010 Imperial Energy produced 753 thousand tons of oil (65,1% increase against year 2009) and in the year 2011 the company plans to produce 906 thousand tons (120%).

“We will increase production by putting new wells into operation, mainly in Maiskoye oilfield group” – said I.V. Goncharov, during an interview with journalists of RIA Novosti.

Source: RIA Novosti

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