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Imperial Energy football team made it into semi-final!

On August 13-14 Imperial Energy football team played matches in the frameworks of Tomsk region amateur football tournament for the “Businessmen cup” of the year 2011 on the football stadium of Tomsk cadet corps. On August 13th at the round of last 16 our football team prevailed over the team of Engineering and Economy Faculty of Tomsk Polytechnic University “IEF TPU” by a score of 3:0. On august 14th in a quarter-final game our team managed to snatch the victory against opposing “Victoria” team. The match ended with a score of 1:0! As a result our team made it into semi-final of the Tournament!

During the match at the round of last 16 Dmitriy Burich, Gulyam Akhmadov and Aleksei Kamenskiy each scored a goal. In the quarter-final game Gulyam Akhmadov scored the winning goal. We are proud of our strikers!

Traditionally Imperial Energy employees came to the stadium to support their team. The game was also attended by the Chief Advisor for HR, Contracts and Legal – Mr. Sanjeev Kakran. As a token of recognition of their efforts, Mr. Kakran presented the team with a football.

The semi-final match will take place on August 20 at 12:00 on the stadium of Tomsk Cadet corps. Our team will challenge the right to get into the final against an experienced and strong opposing team of “Spichgrad”.

We invite you to come and support our team!

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