Home page Press Area News Imperial Energy Group donated modern microscopes to the laboratory of Institute of Natural Resources of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University


Imperial Energy Group donated modern microscopes to the laboratory of Institute of Natural Resources of National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

On October 28, during the Academic board meeting, held in the main building of NR TPU under the guidance of P.S. Chubik, the Rector of TPU, Mr. A. Varma, CEO and Mr. I.V. Goncharov, General Director of LLC Nord Imperial presented 10 stereoscopic microscopes to the A.K. Mazurov, vice-rector and the Director of the Institute of Natural Resources (INR).

It has been many years since Imperial Energy and TPU began to cooperate. The presented microscopes will facilitate establishment of a modern university laboratory for core and drill cuttings analysis in INR. The company’s management is certain that the modern equipment, donated to INR, will facilitate not only innovation development of the industry and the region, but also facilitate the whole national educational and scientific system in preparing high-class specialists, what might one day become the employees of Imperial Energy Group.

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