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We thank our grandfathers for the victory!

Victory Day is a holiday which touches the soul of every Russian, because there is not a single family that was unaffected by the war. The memory of the heroes, who protected our motherland from invaders, and who have won the chance to live for the future generations, is sacred. On the 9th of May we call to memory the warriors, who have fallen at the battlefields and we treat the very elderly veterans and home front workers with gratitude. If it had not been for them, we would not be able to even imagine present days.

Imperial Energy began preparations to the holiday in advance. On the eve of Victory Day greeting cards were sent to all the relatives of company’s employees, who had participated in the Great Patriotic War and live outside Tomsk. The employees of Social Development Department visited the elderly relatives of our employees – home front veteran Anna Kuzminichna Baranova and the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Veniamin Vasilyevich Volkov – and presented them with food baskets.

The company published congratulation to war veterans and home front veterans of Tomsk, Aleksandrovo, Kargasok and Parabel areas in the Krasnoye Znamya newspaper.

By tradition, employees of the company and the members of their families participated in the public rally dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Great Victory with the column of Afghan war veterans. The rally continued into a parade and a floral tribute at the war memorial to soldiers and home front workers from Tomsk in Lagerny Garden.

K. Yantsen and O. Kornilov participated in the “Immortal regiment” initiative – for the first time Tomsk citizen marched in a common formation, carrying the portraits of their gone war veterans, memory of whom still lives in our hearts.

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