Imperial Energy's HSE policy

Strategic HSE objectives of Imperial Energy Group are to hold leading positions among oil companies in terms of HSE during oil and gas production, and support the same with actual results and best practices.

The focus of Imperial Energy Group in the field of HSE is on prevention of emergencies, accidents and incidents at hazardous production facilities.

Tasks to achieve stated objectives:

  • ensuring high production standards and safe working conditions for employees;
  • arranging effective preparation and implementation of HSE programs;
  • continuous professional development of employees, instilling responsibility for compliance with HSE requirements.

 To effectively implement its HSE policy, Imperial Energy Group has committed itself to ensuring the following:

  • compliance with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 international standard and constant development of the management system;
  • compliance with the current legislation, international agreements, regulatory requirements governing HSE activities of oil companies;
  • reduction of risks to health and safety of employees of the Group and nearby population or bringing the same to acceptable level;
  • healthy and safe work conditions for employees of the Group by securing facilities to prevent  occupational injuries and create adequate sanitary and hygienic conditions
  • analyze operational risks and take measures to prevent emergency situations;
  • follow-up on the implementation of measures intended to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, and prevention of occupational injuries;
  • encouragement and improvement of employees’ qualification;
  • engage employees to actively participate in projects on compliance with HSE requirements;
  • demand that employees and contractors operating at Imperial Energy facilities shall observe the law and internal HSE regulations of the company;
  • intermittent provision of information for everyone concerned (society, executive authorities, etc.) about HSE activities of Imperial Energy, consult with the employees of hazardous industrial facilities and their representatives to ensure industrial safety;
  • review and to improve the HSE policy of Imperial Energy from time to time;
  • inform the employees of Imperial Energy Group, society, executive authorities and other interested entities about all the changes in the HSE policy of Imperial Energy.

In 2022, the Company passed a due diligence on compliance with mandatory industrial safety requirements for operating hazardous industrial facilities based on the criteria specified in the Regulation on federal supervision in the field of industrial safety, approved by Decree No. 1082 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2021.

In order to protect, preserve and strengthen the health of our employees, the Company has an established and functioning Medical Service, which holds valid medical license and includes medical stations in the field camps and in the office. Taking into account the technological complexity of operational processes and the geographic remoteness of production facilities from the main hospitals, clinics and medical institutions, the Medical Service, together with other sections of the Company, ensures safety of workers when they perform their daily labor duties.

The main activities of the Medical Service are listed below:

  • Provision of first aid and emergency medical care for acute diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases and injuries at remote field facilities;
  • Organization of medical evacuation of sick and injured employees;
  • Implementation of sanitary and epidemiologic measures and control over prevention of infectious diseases;
  • Organization of preliminary, periodic, unscheduled and specialized medical examinations of workers, including mandatory psychiatric examinations;
  • Provision of field facilities with necessary drugs and medicines, equipment and medical items;
  • Monitoring of the quality and safety of medical care given to employees;
  • Implementation of preventive measures in order to protest health of employees to and reduce occupational injuries;

Interaction with other sections of the Company, as well as with government, regulatory, and supervisory authorities.