
09.07.2018 Imperial Energy and Tomsk ecologists released more than a hundred small peled fishes

On June 29, Imperial Energy Group, jointly with the ecologist, has organized the release of small peled fishes into Tom river...

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25.06.2018 A celebration of body and soul harmony

Worldwide celebration of the International Yoga Day, which has already become traditional, takes place on June 21st...

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12.01.2018 Operational results of 2017 in Imperial Energy Group and plans for 2018

Actual volume of oil, produced by the Imperial Energy group of companies in Y2017, was 269.8 k tons, which is 84.3% of the approved business plan (319.86 k tons)...

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10.01.2018 Imperial Energy Group has been awarded with the title of “Attractive employer – 2017”

According to study carried out by the leader of the online recruitment market of Russia,, Imperial Energy has been awarded with the status of “Attractive employer – 2017”...

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09.10.2017 II Festival of Indian Culture in Tomsk

On October 6 and up to October 8, 2017 the Second Festival of Indian Culture took place in Tomsk. Upon good tradition, Imperial Energy Group became the initator and the main sponsor of the festival, associated this year with the 70th Anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and Russia...

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