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LLC “Nord Imperial” became one of Russia’s Top 100 Companies with Best Environmental Management in place.

Under the respective Decree of RF President V. V. Putin the year 2013 was declared The Year of Environmental Protection as a means to “provide each person with their right for favorable environment”.

In the framework of implementing the above decision, on March 30, 2013 in the city of Saint-Petersburg the results were summarized of annual competition “100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management” on the basis of the companies’ operating results in the year 2012. LLC “Nord Imperial” along with companies like JSC “NK Rosneft”, JSC “Surgutneftegaz”, LLC “Gazprom transgaz Tomsk”, LLC “Bashneft-Bureniye”, became one the 100 best companies in the sphere of environmental management.

For reference:

The winners of annual competition “100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management” are the companies proven to be highly environmentally responsible entities, for whom one of the top priorities is to take due care of the environment. Winners of this competition are awarded with golden medal called “100 Best Companies of Russia. Ecology and Environmental Management”, which is certified with a Diploma and is evidence of recognition of the company’s achievements in the sphere of environmental protection and creation of safe operating conditions. These awards confirm the status a highly environmentally responsive company. Company Head receives a badge “Ecologist of the year 2012”.

The list of 100 best companies in the sphere of ecology and environmental management prepared as a result of this competition is not a rating in the direct sense of the word. All the participants of this list are given the same status and are all full-fledged winners.

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