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Every year June 21 is celebrated as International Yoga Day. This ancient teaching originated in India and is intended to help every person find harmony of body, mind and spirit through various sets of practices.

Today, tens of millions of people around the world are fans of yoga, so in December 2014 the UN established a separate holiday dedicated to Yoga. For the first time, International Yoga Day took place on June 21, 2015, and since that time this celebration has been a tradition in many countries of the world, including Russia. On this day, master classes and joint classes of yoga followers along with educational lectures and film screenings are held everywhere. Tomsk became one of the very first cities in our country to support this initiative thanks to the active support provided by Imperial Energy, which is an Indian company. For several years IE has been the main organizer and sponsor of the Yoga Day celebrations in Tomsk.

This year, which became the tenth anniversary of International Yoga Day, the festive events took place on Saturday, June 15. More than a hundred Tomsk residents despite very hot weather came to the square at the Regional Drama Theater to practice yoga together in open air and to watch demo performances by masters from local yoga centers. Among the spectators and participants, as per the good old tradition, were employees of our group of companies, as well as Indian students studying in Tomsk universities.

Before the start of the event Mahesh Sharma, First Secretary of Indian Embassy in Russia, who specially arrived in our city for this event, along with Valentina Sharkova, representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Natalya Kiseleva, Deputy Governor of Tomsk Region for Education, Youth Policy and Digital Development, gave welcoming speeches addressed to all those present. She noted that starting from year 2024 the Yoga Day celebration, which is so much liked by citizens of Tomsk, will be held under the auspices of the regional administration, and the speaker also thanked IE for their contribution to formation and popularization of the holiday in our city. On behalf of Imperial Energy, CEO Mr. Saket Gupta also warmly congratulated all yoga fans.

- Yoga is a special way of life, which is based on eternal values: peace, kindness, internal and external harmony. I am proud that it was my country that gave the world this teaching, which makes a person wiser, healthier and calmer. The more such people on the planet, the better and kinder our whole world becomes. Yoga has also become one of those “bridges” that today unite residents of various countries, including India and Russia. And the fact that we have gathered here today serves as clear proof of this,- said CEO of Imperial Energy.

After the official part, everyone was able to train under the guidance of Aleksey Sartakov, Director of Lakshmi Yoga Center, and get acquainted with various directions of yoga and also with each other.

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